What Secrets Do Others Know That You Don’t?
Shift Your Electricity Bills
Electricity from your solar panel happens daily between 10.00 am – 3.00 pm. To maximise your solar usage, consider changing some of your consumption habits. Try to use your dishwasher, washing machine and other electrical devices during the day. By being more efficient in your electricity use by minimising your mains grid consumption, you’ll not only be saving money, but you’ll also be helping to reduce Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions further!
Swimming Pool Tips
Ask your Solar Panel Installer about Future Wave if you have a pool. This simple device is attached to your pool pump and can save 70% on your electricity bill. The Future Wave can be used with existing pool or spa pumps to reduce energy consumption drastically.
→ No plumbing or wiring required – plug it in.
→ Energy savings of up to 80%.
→ Reduces noise and improves filtration.
Heating & Air Conditioning Units
Ensure your home is insulated.
During winter, set ceiling fans to spin the opposite way it does over summer, which will push heat down.
Keep the doors shut to rooms that don’t require heating or cooling.
Experiment with your air conditioning and heating thermostat. You can save a stack of electricity by dropping the temperature a little over winter and raising it similarly over the summer.
Lighting Ideas
Only use lighting when needed; remember to switch off lights when you leave a room.
If you’re still using old incandescent globes, make the switch LED lighting, which requires much less electricity to operate. Most of the energy an incandescent globe uses is converted into heat rather than light, so in summer, they can add to your air conditioning costs.
For garden lighting, switch to solar lamps – these are now very cheap to purchase and are extremely easy to set up as they require no wiring. Each light has an internal battery.
Instead of having security lights on all night, use sensor lights that will only switch on when someone is in the immediate vicinity.
Other Areas
If you are considering replacing your hot water system, consider a solar hot water system.
A second fridge uses a lot of electricity, so switch it off if you’re not filling it.