Metsos Outotec 

Metsos Outotec approached Westsun Energy to design and install a 99.6kW commercial solar system on their facility in Canning Vale. 

Metsos Outotec is a leader in sustainable technologies, end-to-end solutions and services for the aggregates, mining processing and metals refining industries globally. Metsos improve their customers energy and water efficiency, increase their productivity, and reduce environmental risks with their product and process expertise. 

The design at Metsos Outotec included: 

  • 99.6kW of Solar Panels 
  • 240x 415w Sunpower Solar Panels 
  • 2x SMA Core 2 Three Phase Inverters 
  • 1x SMA Homemanager Smart Meter 
  • Design, install and commission from our CEC Accredited electricians 
  • Another Westsun Energy customer powering the future 

Contact Westsun Energy today on 08 9303 9810 for all your solar needs. We look forward to hearing from you soon.