SMC have been providing high quality services throughout the world with its products, technologies and experienced staff. Over the past several years SMC have continued to implement sustainable solutions to their business and continue to promote sustainability in order to negate impacts on the environment. SMC continue to find new was to develop new and greener solutions with CO2 reductions as a top priority for their company. SMC have a fully integrated technical, production and sales department and are able to respond to the needs of their customers from around the world with a shared vision of finding new methods to effectively protect the environment. 

SMC approached Westsun Energy to supply and install a 40kW solar system on their office in Ascot, the system installed included: 

→  39.5kW Solar System 

→  79x 500w Sunpower P6 Solar Panels 

→  1x 29.9kW Huawei Three Phase Inverter 

→  Design, install and commission from our CEC Accredited Installers 

→  Another Westsun Energy customer powering the future